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Multi-parcel auctions
Multi-parcel auctions, also called combinatorial auctions, are a special type of auction typically used to sell real estate (though it can be used for practically anything). There are two "typical" types of multi-parcel auctions:
1. Multiple pieces of real estate, sometimes with shared borders, sometimes without. Examples: subdivision plots, condos, etc.
2. A larger piece of land is split into smaller parcels. By splitting the land into smaller parcels the auctioneer is increasing the number of potential bidders.
Some bidders may only want to bid on a single parcel, some bidders may want to bid on groups of 2 or 3 parcels, and some bidders may want to bid on the whole thing. What makes multi-parcel auctions special is that anyone can group and bid on any combination of parcels, even if the groupings break up other groupings. The math behind this type of auction is extremely complex, however the software I use makes this process very easy to manage.
For information or the set up an appointment to discuses your needs contact Tyghe Richardson.
As a Californian real estate broker and auctioneer I have some unique tools to offer clients. I can sell an estate in a short period of time using the auction environment. Marketing of a sale is an art in it self and each sale is different. Do we market locally, globally or some were in between? This changes with each sale and is just one reason to contact an auctioneer. In addition to the real estate I can sell the personal property. To read more on personal property sales visit Retirement, Probate, And Estate Sales. There are some very unique tools that an auctioneer can use when selling real property one of them is Multi-parcel auctions.
Why use an Auctioneer?
The Truth About Real Estate Auctions
Auctions are quickly becoming the first, best and only choice in many of today’s real estate markets.
The National Association of Realtors (NAR) approves of auctions and considers them a viable sales and purchase option.
Auctions are no longer considered last resort or discount sales for selling real estate in today’s marketplace.
Real Estate
“Enthusiasm breeds Enthusiasm”
-Wallace G. Stadtfeld